Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to the Course

    • Introduction

  • 2

    1: How to Identify Symptoms of Poor Mental Health

    • How to Identify Symptoms of Poor Mental Health

    • Mood Board Tracker Download

    • Quiz One: Poor Symptoms of Mental Health

  • 3

    2: How Negative Thinking Patterns Harm Mental Health

    • How Negative Thinking Patterns Harm Mental Health

    • Quiz Two: Negative Thinking Patterns

  • 4

    3: Impact of Stress on Mental Health

    • Impact of Stress on Mental Health

    • How to Make Stress Your Friend

    • Quiz Three: Impact of Stress

  • 5

    4: How to Become More Resilient in Work and Life

    • How to Become More Resilient in Work and Life

    • Quiz Four: Becoming Resilient

  • 6

    5: Taking Care of Your Mental Health When Everything is Changing

    • Taking Care of Your Mental Health When Everything is Changing

    • Quiz Five: Taking Care of Your Mental Health

  • 7

    6: How to Overcome Mental Health Stigmas

    • How to Overcome Mental Health Stigmas

    • Quiz Six: Overcome Stigmas

  • 8

    End of Course Documents

    • Certificate of Completion

    • Take Away Guide: A Reminder of How to Use Tools Learned in This Course

    • Mood Board Tracker Download Sheet