Course curriculum

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    • Introduction Video

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    Session One: Understanding the Cycle of Burnout

    • Session One: Understanding the Cycle of Burnout

    • Burnout Quiz

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    Session Two: Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

    • Session Two: Unhealthy Vs Healthy Coping Mechanisms

    • Healthy & Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Quiz

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    Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Videos

    • Grounding Technique for Anxiety: Square Breathing

    • Two Breathing Techniques for Anxiety

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    Session Three: Creating A Practical Plan for Healthy Coping Mechanisms

    • Session Three: Creating a Practical Plan for Healthy Coping Mechanisms

    • Practical Plan Quiz

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    Session Four: Coping With Your Own Triggers

    • Session Four: Coping With Your Own Triggers

    • Coping With Your Own Triggers Quiz

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    Session Five: Using Prayer to Build a Stronger You

    • Session Five: Using Prayer To Build A Stronger You: How God Plays an Important Role In This Process

    • Prayer Quiz

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    Takeaway Guide & Certificate

    • Takeaway Guide

    • Certificate of Completion Coping Mechanisms